Keeping your mobility product serviced is vital to keeping it safe. In order to help with your peace of mind Indy's servicing department is able to service and repair a wide variety of mobility products keeping them in tip top condition and keeping you safe.
We recommend that you get your hoist checked out at least every 6 months. This is in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive 'lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations' or LOLER for short. Your equipmet will need a once yearly service and a six monthly LOLER testing in order to check that it is functioning correctly.
Mobility Beds
We recommend that you get your electric mobility bed serviced at least once a year to make sure that the rise and recline motors are working properly and to make sure that the workings don't freeze and leave you stuck in an uncomfortable sleeping position.
Disability Chairs
We recommend that you get your electric mobility chairs serviced once every 12 months. This is to ensure that the emergency batteries are charged and that the rise and recline mechanism is in correct working order.
Indy recommends that you get your wheel chair serviced once a year to check that key features such as the brakes and the tyres are in good condition and aren't becoming overly worn and dangerous to use.
We recommend that powerchairs are serviced every 12 months. It's absolutely vital with these chairs that brakes, tyres and motors all function correctly, especially as they are often the primary mode of transportation for users. As I'm sure your granny used to tell you an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure and this really is one of those situations where it's better not to wait for something to break before getting it looked at.
3 Wheeled and 4 Wheeled Walkers
We recommend that you get your rollator type walking aids serviced at 12 monthly intervals. This is to make sure that brakes are working and that the framework is solid to ensure that it will always give you the support you need when you need it.
Mobility Scooters
We recommend that you get your mobility scooter serviced at least once a year. There are many things that can go wrong with your scooter such as worn tyres and brakes that can seriously affect your abilty to stay safe when out and about on them.
To talk to someone about servicing, or to arrange a service please give us a call on 01386 443857.
Our Prices
Wheelchairs £40.00
Rollators £30.00
Tri Walkers £20.00
Mobility scooters (4mph) £50.00
Mobility scooters (8mph) £60.00
Power Chair (standard model) £60.00
Power Chair (advanced model) £70.00
Rise and Recline Chairs (single motor) From £50.00
Rise and Recline Chairs (dual motor) From £70.00
Rise and Recline Beds £50.00
If you can't bring the product in to us to be serviced then we may be able to collect it for a small fee or, depending on the product service it on site.
Fault Finding and Remedial Work.
Please not that if you product doesn't work then it's not a service you need but fault finding.
Fault finding and repairs are charged by the hour at a rate of £65.00 for the call out and first half hour of labour (or the 1st hour of labour if you bring it into us). Every hour after the first half hour will then be £49.00. As soon as we've found the fault we'll then contact you with our professional recommendations for what you need to do to fix it and if any parts will need to be sourced in for you.
If you task us to do repair work we'll charge you the same hourly rate as before (£49.00) plus the cost of the parts themselves.